Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can You Get Herpes If Someone Touch Ou Is There A Such Thing As Arm Herpes?

Is there a such thing as arm herpes? - can you get herpes if someone touch ou

My friends and I were talking about this time and we wonder if, as someone who Herpes arm yourself with your touch .. trash arm can catch herpes?
I know its werid all react to it.


Pandora said...

Probably not. The herpes virus usually only in the mucous membranes, eg mouth, nose, ġenetali areas.

bob b said...

Unlike other refugees, Yes you can. Auto-inoculation is very rare. The skin usually looks a reasonable defense to the entry of the virus. This answer also depends on the species. HSV-1 is much more to other parts of the body that influence HSV-2.

ambtous0... said...

Herpes from the same virus that causes chickenpox, shingles and herpes sexually transmitted diseases. The direct contact of talk from you, is not possible. Tangentially, if you were someone with herpes touch, then into the bathroom and touch exsposure theres a risk, but the risk again. Herpes comes in different varieties review kaspersky, by googling.

lil_bit said...

Chances are someone I know works at a hospital told me about an old man, who has an STD in the knee.

redlance... said...

Yes, it is safe. You can get herpes (HSV1 or HSV2 almost) anywhere in the body, but it is rare.

Areas of mucosal herpes is more common among "However, it is possible to catch herpes in other areas if the skin is damaged by contact with the virus.

I know people who think it is in the hands, back, thighs, chest, forearms and neck (herpes through my advocacy work, not personally).


Jeannie May
Herpes awareness and support by the providers themselves

Thomasin... said...

Yes We Can! I have a wound on my arm, back and forth, and yes, I've diagnosed by a doctor. I have no idea how it though.

Mo said...

The shingles are in the body. But no, you can not with herpes simplex type 1 or 2 on the arm of someone touching your genitals.

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